Insurance services available

  • Aviva Contractors Liability

Our Interiors & Fit Out Contractors Scheme is designed for a wide range of trades within this sector.

Whether your clients are shop fitting or office fitting, we can offer the specialist cover they need. We can also cover general interior fit out contracting and interior design, with professional indemnity cover available, so we can offer a full insurance solution to policyholders involved in this sector. 

We understand that the services offered by these contractors extend beyond the activities noted above, which is why we also have capacity for associated contracting trades (electrical, mechanical, joinery, security, etc.).

You can find full details of the cover available in the policy summary and wording below, but significant benefits of our scheme include inefficacy up to the full PL limit, cover for that part being worked on/cleaned, defective workmanship (where there is damage to third party property or injury), failure to secure premises, wrongful arrest cover, criminal & deliberate acts of employees, incorrect destruction of goods and treatment Risks cover (covers damage to carpets, upholstery etc. being cleaned). We also have a great range of optional extensions for your clients, such as loss/consequential loss of keys, loss of gas from fixed fire extinguishers, financial loss (including products), misuse of phones, trace and access cover and escape of metered water.

Although our scheme is liabilities led, we can also offer a full package of covers to include Property Damage, Business Interruption, Contract Works, Engineering (for plant at your own premises) Professional Indemnity, Management Liability, Crime (internal and external), Personal Accident, Legal Expenses and Property Terrorism.

Insurance that covers...

  • Shopfitting
  • Interior fit out
  • Office fit out
  • Interior design
  • Capacity for all associated contracting trades (electrical, mechanical, joinery, security, etc.)

Ready to get a quote?

Our Interior & Fit Out Contractors product is available offline only. We welcome both proposal forms and broking presentations sent to the email address below.

T. 0117 9300 100

We’re the specialists

Interior & Fit Out Contractors Insurance

  • We are able to insure most companies operating in this sector whether they are involved in the supply, installation, testing or design.
  • Cover is available for companies operating at height, using heat away or working in high risk environments or overseas.
  • Trades backed by Aviva Insurance Ltd – we aim to provide a flexible underwriting approach for you and your clients.

Arrange a call: 0117 930 0100

Broker Development Team

If you are looking for an account managed service, we have a dedicated and experienced Broker Development Team who are ready to discuss your needs. 

Broker Development Team


Product insights

“We also have capacity for associated contracting trades (electrical, mechanical, joinery, security, etc.).”

Product insights

“Services can be conducted by employees and labour only sub-contractors, or your clients may use bona fide sub-contractors - who will invoice the insured for the works undertaken, use their own materials and carry their own insurance”

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